Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Cyberworlds

投稿者: 藤代 一成 投稿日:

Masahiro Toyoura, Alexei Sourin, Issei Fujishiro, Olga Sourina, Toshihisa Tanaka, Christophe Rosenberger, Marina Gavrilova, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Takayuki Itoh (eds.)

IEEE Computer Society CPS, 413 pages, Kyoto, October 2–4, 2019

[ISBN: 978-1-7281-2297-7]
These are the Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Cyberworlds, which was held at Mielparque Kyoto in Kyoto on October 2–4, 2019, in cooperation with the Society for Art and Science, ACM SIGGRAPH, and EUROGRAPHICS. These Proceedings, available from IEEE Computer Society Digital Library, include 36 full papers, 18 short papers, and 20 posters, all presented at the conference. Prof. Fujishiro served as a program co-chair for the conference.


カテゴリー: 会議2019国際




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