Visual simulation of tearing papers taking anisotropic fiber structure into account

投稿者: 藤代 一成 投稿日:

Saeko ShinozakiMasanori NakayamaIssei Fujishiro

IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 106–115, December 2019

Real paper gets deformed anisotropically due to a unidirectional placement of the inner fibers. Few existing CG researchers allow for such fibers to represent virtual papers, and thus anisotropic paper deformation has not been well represented. In this study, we present a two-dimensional visual simulation model for anisotropic papers, which abstracts mutual mechanical relationships among intersecting fibers by a network of filler and hinge springs, and incorporates connection points for keeping the shape of each bended fiber. By releasing the network connections when the filler and hinge springs extend above a certain limit, the paper provides a plausible tear. We succeeded in generating a different appearance of the torn-off line of papers according as the pulling direction.


カテゴリー: 2019国際学術誌




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