LineM: Assessing metamorphopsia symptom using line manipulation task

投稿者: 藤代 一成 投稿日:

Zhenyang Zhu, Masahiro Toyoura, Issei Fujishiro, Kentaro Go, Kenji Kashiwagi, Xiaoyang Mao

The Visual Computer, Vol. 38. No. 5, pp. 1607-1617, May 2022

(online first on February 25, 2021).

[doi: 10.1007/s00371-021-02091-9]

Metamorphopsia patients experience distortions in their views. The number of metamorphopsia patients is arising with the increase in the elderly population. For early detection of metamorphopsia, examination approaches have been proposed. However, none of the existing methods can be employed to precisely assess the perceptions of patients. We propose LineM as a novel method to precisely measure the distorted views of metamorphopsia patients based on interactive line manipulation task involving the patients. To explore the potential of LineM, a case study which uses the measured results from LineM to visualize the distorted views of metamorphopsia patients is presented. Furthermore, a novel technique for compensating the distorted views of individual metamorphopsia patients using the results from LineM is also presented. Considering that elderly individuals account for the majority of metamorphopsia patients, an intuitive and user-friendly prototype system has been implemented. The effectiveness and usability of LineM and the compensation method were demonstrated via a qualitative and subjective experiment that involved metamorphopsia patients and elderly participants.


カテゴリー: 2022国際学術誌




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