as of April 2024

Affiliation Graduate School of Science and Technology ―Master course 2nd year
TeamSmart Ambient Media
Research themeApplication of shelf functions to digital content management


In my undergraduate studies, I learned methods for applying computer-aided design to architecture and media art. In my master’s program, I joined the Fujishiro Research Lab to deepen my technical understanding of these methods.

My favorite food is ramen, especially the rich and heavy kind.


April 2019 – March 2023B.E. in Policy Management, Keio University
April 2023 – PresentM.E. Information and Computer Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Keio University



  1. Sota Tanaka and Issei Fujishiro: “HomeShelf: Cultivating individual relationships with digital contents,” in Proceedings of Asia Pacific Conference on Communications 2023, 6 pages, Sydney, Australia, November 19–22, 2023, doi: 10.1109/APCC60132.2023.10460707.
  2. Taisei Yabe, Arastoo Khajehee, Shun Kimura, Sota Tanaka, Kentaro Iwamoto, Koki Ito, Rena Yamanaka, Eri Sumitomo, and Yasushi Ikeda: “Kigumi Shelf by Data-Driven Circular Saw: Integrated Development of Design Construction and Tool for Digital Handcraft,” in Proceedings of the 28th CAADRIA Conference, pp. 159–168, Ahmedabad, India, March 18–24, 2023, doi: 10.52842/conf.caadria.2023.2.159.


  1. Sota Tanaka:「Home Frame」SFC環境デザイン表彰, Encouragement Award
  2. Sota Tanaka and Issei Fujishiro: “HomeShelf: Cultivating individual relationships with digital contents,” in Proceedings of Asia Pacific Conference on Communications 2023, 6 pages, Sydney, Australia, November 19–22, 2023, doi: 10.1109/APCC60132.2023.10460707.


  1. Sota Tanaka:「Breaths of the Country」International Students Creative Award 2021, Prize

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