D1 Yokota Gives an Oral Presentation at CGI ’24
From July 1 to 5, Computer Graphics International 2024 (CGI ’24) was held at Geneva. From our laboratory, D1 Yokota gave an oral presentation at TVC session.
Our laboratory was founded in April 2009, when Professor Fujishiro arrived at Keio University. As of April 2024, when Associate Professor Narumi joined our group, we have a total of 28 members (3 staff, 2 researchers), 4 Ph.D. candidates, 11 master course students, and 8 undergraduates), all of whom are engaged in a wide range of research and development related to computer graphics and visualization. Our laboratory is featured with enriched international collaborations; in the past, we had students and interns from China, France, Belgium, and the United States, while some of the students entered doctoral programs in the United States or stayed as visiting researchers/students at universities in the United States or a national research institute in France.
This laboratory is intended to serve as a bridge between science/technology and art. In fact, about 30 percent of our alumni have gone on to work in the game and video industries. We have a variety of opportunities to interact with related external organizations, experts, and students through scheduled workshops and camps, Visual Computing Seminars with distinguished guest speakers, mid-and-long term internships at game/CG production companies, as well as KAKENHI projects. In the laboratory, five teams are organized according to research themes, and mentoring programs were adopted in which senior students take care of junior students under their direct supervision, thus establishing a system in which each student can achieve results with good prospects.
Computer graphics… Nowadays, computer-generated images are encountered in many aspects of daily life. At Keio University, the Fujishiro Group, in the Department of Information and Computer Science, is doing research to make computer graphics a basic tool for self-expression.
From July 1 to 5, Computer Graphics International 2024 (CGI ’24) was held at Geneva. From our laboratory, D1 Yokota gave an oral presentation at TVC session.
Namai‘s ‘VigNet: Semiautomatic generation of vignette illustrations from video‘ has been published in IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 15-22.”
〒223-8522 神奈川県横浜市港北区日吉3-14-1
研究室: 26-211A/B
教授居室: 26-208C
Tel: 045-563-1141 (ext. 41119, 43225)
(If you have any questions about the lectures or experiments, please contact Fujishiro or the TA's address, not here.)
(Currently, no external graduate students are accepted.)