
In recent years, virtual live, live entertainment content held in a virtual space, has been attracting much attention. Virtual live has various possibilities, including the creation of unrealistic entertainment experiences, enhancement of staging through visual expressions, and relaxation of spatio-temporal restrictions on viewing. This research deals with offline VR experiences specifically.

One of the challenges to be solved in virtual live performances is how to portray a sense of enthusiasm.

According to an analysis of enthusiasm in social psychology, in a actual live experience, social sensations are generated by getting excited together with surrounding audience, and they lead to enthusiastic experience. On the other hand, in a virtual live experience, it is difficult to render a large number of viewers simultaneously because of drawing resources and network limitations. The absence of surrounding audience can fatally reduce an engagement (satisfaction) during live experience.

This research aims to synthesize Non-Player Characters (NPCs) that substitute for real-event audience to acheive an enthusiastic virtual live performance. To mimic the psychological state of real audience members, we compute psychological interactions based on affective behaviors (emotional contagion) and the influence of live music, and synthesize audience NPCs controled their cheering motions based on the psychological state during a performance.

We will also conduct empirical experiments to explore the psychological influence of the synthesized NPCs on a viewer and analyze the psychological impact of the audience in the virtual live performance.


NameAffiliationWeb site
Ishinuki TakehiroKeio University



  1. Ishinuki Takehiro, Issei Fujishiro:”SAchieving Enthusiasm in Virtual Live Concert Through the Synthesis of Sympathetic Audience NPCs,” in Proceedings of Expressive Japan 2024 (The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers Technical Report, Vol. 48, No. 8, pp.127-130, AIT2024-68), Tokyo Polytechnic University, March 5, 2024
  2. Ishinuki Takehiro, Issei Fujishiro:”Achieving Enthusiasm in Virtual Live Concert Through the Synthesis of Sympathetic Audience NPCs,” in Proceedings of the 85th National Convention of International Processing Society of Japan, Vol. 4, pp. 529―530 (7ZG-07), The University of Kanagawa, online & onsite hybrid, March 5, 2024


Domestic awards

  1. Ishinuki Takehirothe 2024 Masakazu Nakanishi Encouragement Awards,Graduation Research, Department of Information and Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University, Achieving Enthusiasm in Virtual Live Concert Through the Synthesis of Sympathetic Audience NPCs,March 25, 2024
  2. Ishinuki TakehiroIssei FujishiroExcellent Presentation awards,in Proceedings of Expressive Japan 2024, Achieving Enthusiasm in Virtual Live Concert Through the Synthesis of Sympathetic Audience NPCs,March 5, 2024
  3. Ishinuki TakehiroIssei FujishiroStudent encouragement awards,in Proceedings of the 86th National Convention of International Processing Society of Japan,Achieving Enthusiasm in Virtual Live Concert Through the Synthesis of Sympathetic Audience NPCs, March 17, 2024


  1. Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research ((Exploratory):23K18468 (2023―)

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