
Cloth deformation animations are in high demand in the creation of digital content such as games and movies. Physics-based simulation is often used to create animations of cloth, allowing for mechanically valid deformations. However, simulation of the artist’s desired shape changes requires appropriate values for various parameters that describe the cloth and environment. It is not easy to intuitively understand how this affects the animation.

Cloaks, in particular, are strongly affected by wind, and their shape can change dramatically. Therefore, a scene in which a cloak waves in the wind is an important element in creating a sense of dynamism.

This research proposes a method to generate an animation of a cloak rippling in the wind based on the parameter values entered by the user.


NameAffiliationWeb site
Mana NishitaniKeio University







  1. [U-1] Mana Nishitani and Issei Fujishiro: “Support for animating wavy deformation of capes,” in Proceedings of Expressive Japan 2024 (The Technical Report of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, Vol. 48, No. 8, pp.139―142, AIT2024–71).
  2. [U-2] Mana Nishitani and Issei Fujishiro: “A production support system for wind-deformed animation of cape”in Proceedings of the 86th National Convention of International Processing Society of Japan, Vol. 2, pp. 205―206 (5P-01), Kanagawa University, online & onsite hybrid, March 15―17, 2024, Student encouragement awards (in Japanese).


  1. Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory): 23K18468 (2023―)

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