as of April 2024

Affiliation Graduate School of Science and Technology ―Master course 1st year
TeamGraphics Paradigms
Research themeVolumetric Shell Mapping Using Nonlinear Rays


I like movies and games, and I am interested in optimization, geometry processing, and UI.


April 2019 – March 2024B.E. in Information and Computer Science, Keio University
April 2024 – PresentM.E. Information and Computer Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Keio University


Domestic Presentations

  1. Mayuka Kuwana, Issei Fujishiro:”階層的ボリューム構造の非線形レイ走査による効率的なC^1連続のボリュームシェルマッピング, ” in Proceedings of Visual Computing 2024, pp. 27:1―27:5, Tokyo, September 10-12, 2024.
    1. Mayuka Kuwana, Issei Fujishiro:”Volumetric Shell Mapping Using Nonlinear Rays, ” in Proceedings of SIG Technical Reports, Vol. 2024–CG–193, No. 10, pp. 1-6, Keio University, March 18-19, 2024, Student presentation award (in Japanese).
    2. Mayuka Kuwana, Issei Fujishiro:”Volumetric shell mapping using nonlinear ray tracing, ” in Proceedings of the 86th National Convention of Information Proceedings Society of Japan, Vol. 2, pp. 169-170 (1P–05), Kanagawa University, March 15, 2024, Student encouragement award (in Japanese).


    1. Mayuka Kuwana:”Volumetric shell mapping using nonlinear rays”, Second Vision, graphics and sensing workshop, poster, The University of Chiba, April 19, 2024

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