Computational aesthetics analyzes various expressions arising in art and music works from an aesthetic perspective, and strives to utilize them for the purpose of re-synthesis. Evaluation of such diverse expressions, including exaggeration and omission, is not unified; it does change depending on the intention of the creator and the taste of a person who appreciates the work. This team pursues computational approaches to identification of aesthetic elements.


:April enrollment:September enrollment:Team leader

Research themes

Wind-deformed Animation
of Cape (2023―)
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A production support system for wind-deformed animation of cape

Visual Analysis of Leading Lines (2022―)
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Visual analysis of leading lines based on differential topology

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Anime-like motion transfer by adaptive partitioning of articular trajectories

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An interface for drawing effects on 3D pottery wheel-type transparent canvas

Suspended themes

Background Generation for
Portrait Illustrations (2023―2024)
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Generation of complementary background images for portrait illustrations using interactive genetic algorithm

House Dance Design System
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A house dance design system
based on constructive choreographic process

Mixed Painting Material Style
Photo Retouching (2021―2024)
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Photo retouching for mixed painting material style in digital illustrations

Automatic Generation of
Non-player Crowd (2020―2023)
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Gernerating naturally animated crowd scenes with non-player characters based on arousal-valence model

Automatic Generation of
3D Anime-like NPC (2019―2023)
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Automatic generation of 3D natural Anime-like non-player characters with machine learning

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Script translation in calligraphic works using deep learning

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A semi automatic system for generating cityscape background images

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Visual analytics for compositional process with sound analysis and synthesis