Prof. Tosiyasu L. Kunii passed away in November 2020. He had been a professor at Department of Information Sciences, Faculty of Science, the University of Tokyo and was the founding president of the University of Aizu. CGI 2021 held a workshop in memory of Prof. Kunii since the conference was founded by him in 1987. Prof. Fujishiro started his carrier as an assistant professor to work with Prof. Kunii at the University of Tokyo in 1985 and hence, he was invited to provide a talk for the workshop. Prof. Fujishiro picked up a topic of FORSETI, a computational forensic visualization system under development. It is because in 1985, the first paper coauthored by Prof. Kunii and Prof. Fujishiro proposed a medical imaging method. The paper was published in the second volume of the Visual Computer journal, which was also initiated by Prof. Kunii as the first editor in chief in 1985. Following Prof. Fujishiro’s brief message in homage to Prof. Kunii, the main body of the talk was delivered by Baoqing Wang (D3). Our original paper on FORSETI is to be published in a forthcoming issue in memory of Prof. Kunii of the Visual Computer Journal. See more details on the workshop at
Workshops – CGI’21 (, from where all the presentation videos are available.
Workshops – CGI’21 (, from where all the presentation videos are available.