Professor Fujishiro Delivers a Special Lecture and D3 Ohkawara Gives an Oral Presentation at the 192nd CGVI Technical Report Meeting
From November 16 to 17, the 192nd technical report meeting of the Information Processing Society of Japan’s special interest group on Computer Graphics and Visual Informatics (CGVI) was held at the Tottori Prefectural Lifelong Learning Center. This time, it was a joint event with the Information Processing Society of Japan’s Read more…
Shibasaki presented at IEEE VIS 2023
IEEE VIS 2023 took place in Melbourne, Australia from October 22nd to 27th, 2023. Shibasaki, a first-year master’s student, gave a presentation during the VIS Short Papers: Perception/Evaluation session. Fuminori Shibasaki and Issei Fujishiro: “Topological analysis and approximate identification of leading lines in artworks based on discrete Morse theory,” in 2023 IEEE Visualization Read more…
At Visual Computing 2023, five students presented their works
Visual Computing 2023, the largest CG symposium in Japan, was held September 17ー20, 2023, at Shibaura Institute of Technology Toyosu Campus. Nishidate (M2), Shibasaki, Yoshida, and Namai (M1) presented their works at Paper Session. In addition, Ishitobi (D3) preseted his TVC paper at International Paper Invitation Session. Mayu Namai, Issei Read more…
At CGI2023, Ishitobi and Yuan (D3) gave oral presentations, and Prof. Fujishiro received the Outstanding Reviewer Award.
Ishitobi and Yuan (D3) presented their works at Computer Graphics International 2023 held in Shanghai, China from August 28 to September 2, 2023. The presentation titles are as follows: Akinori Ishitobi, Masanori Nakayama, Issei Fujishiro: “Visual simulation of crack and bend generation in deteriorated films coated on metal objects: Combination of static Read more…
Shinji gave presentations at SIGGRAPH 2023
SIGGRAPH 2023 was held in Los Angeles, USA from August 6 to 10, 2023. Shinji gave a presentation in Posters. Sakura Shinji and Issei Fujishiro: “Virtual Manipulation of Cultural Assets: An Initial Case Study with Single-Joint Articulated Models”, in ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Posters (SIGGRAPH ’23 Posters), August 6-10, 2023, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Read more…
The 8th SCJ Visualization Symposium held in person!
The 8th Open Symposium of the Science Council of Japan (SCJ) “Visualization Contributing to Scientific Knowledge Generation” was held at the SCJ Auditorium in Nogizaka, Tokyo. The theme of the symposium was “Cross-disciplinary digital visual thinking.” Prof. Fujishiro gave an introductory lecture and participated in the general panel discussion as Read more…
Prof. Fujishiro gave an invited speech to commemorate the 6th Hagura Prize.
At the 6th Hagura Prize Memorial Lectures, Prof.Fujishiro introduced the naked-eye stereoscopic viewing system, which received the HaguraPrize last November. Mr. Tokunaga (D2) gave an on-site demonstration of the actual system.
At the CGVI Award Ceremony in 2022, 5 awards were given to members of Fujishiro Lab
Ishitobi (D3), Nishidate and Yokota (M2) were awarded at CGVI190.
Prof. Fujishiro received the Distinguished Service Award from VSJ!
The 50th anniversary celebration of the Visualization and Information Society of Japan was held at Kogakuin University, Shinjuku, Tokyo, and Prof. Fujishiro was awarded the Distinguished Service Award. Since 2009, he has served two terms as a vice president, the chairman of the 49th VSJ Symposium, and the 33rd president.