The 1rd VCS in 2023 will be held
The 1st VCS (Visual Computing Seminar) will be held on May 10. The speaker is Kei Iwasaki, a professor at Saitama University. The title is “現実世界の照明・材質情報を用いた高精細な画像生成と質感表現” see more details on VCS page
The 1st VCS (Visual Computing Seminar) will be held on May 10. The speaker is Kei Iwasaki, a professor at Saitama University. The title is “現実世界の照明・材質情報を用いた高精細な画像生成と質感表現” see more details on VCS page
Prof. Fujishiro co-organized the 6th International Workshop on Big Data Visual Analysis and Exploration (BigVis 2023) in Ioannina, Greece, with George Papastefanatos, Nikos Bikakis, Steffen Frey, and Shixia Liu. In the workshop, he presented a vision paper titled “Clustering, universalities, and evolutionary schema design.” See more here.
A paper on CC-Glasses, a color communication AR environment for CVD patients was presented at AHs 2023 (Augmented Humans Conference 2023) held in Glasgow, GB. See more here. This is the latest result from the Computational Ophthalmology Project with the University of Yamanashi.
Prof. Fujishiro delivered an online invited speech titled “psychologically based stereoscopicviewing,” to Computer Graphics and Image Processing 2023 held in Tokyo.