Prof. Fujishiro gave an invited speech to commemorate the 6th Hagura Prize.
At the 6th Hagura Prize Memorial Lectures, Prof.Fujishiro introduced the naked-eye stereoscopic viewing system, which received the HaguraPrize last November. Mr. Tokunaga (D2) gave an on-site demonstration of the actual system.
A project on automatic generation of vignette illustrations was accepted for KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory).
A SAM team project on automatic generation of vignette illustrations was accepted for 2023 JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory). This project will be conducted over the next 3 years.
A paper on DVF system by J. Hoshikawa (OB) published in the SAS Journal.
A paper on a SAM system called DVF authored by J. Hoshikawa (ME, March 2023) was published in the Journal of the Society for Art and Science. Jun Hoshikawa, Issei Fujishiro: “DVF: Semiautomatic reproduction of perceptual images of virtual scenes considering individual differences in scale,” Journal of the Society for Read more…
The latest paper on CC-Glasses presented at AHs 2023.
A paper on CC-Glasses, a color communication AR environment for CVD patients was presented at AHs 2023 (Augmented Humans Conference 2023) held in Glasgow, GB. See more here. This is the latest result from the Computational Ophthalmology Project with the University of Yamanashi.
Prof. Fujishiro delivered an online invited talk to CGIP 2023.
Prof. Fujishiro delivered an online invited speech titled “psychologically based stereoscopicviewing,” to Computer Graphics and Image Processing 2023 held in Tokyo.
The latest paper on computational ophthalmology presented at ACM VRCAI 2022.
The latest paper from the computational ophthalmology project with the University of Yamanashi was presented at ACM VRCAI 2022 held in a hybrid at Guangzhou. See more here.
The naked-eye stereoscopy project awarded the 6th Hagura Award!
The SAM team project on anamorphosis-based personal naked-eye stereoscopy was awarded the sixth Hagura Award.
The naked-eye stereoscopy project nominated for the 6th Hagura Award!
The SAM team project on anamorphosis-based personal naked-eye stereoscopy was nominated for the sixth Hagura Award. Individual awards will be presented at the awards ceremony on November 18th.
At Visual Computing 2022, five students presented their works, and two of them received awards
Visual Computing 2022, Japan’s largest CG symposium, was held October 6-8, 2022, at Kyoto International Conference Center. Five oral presentations, more than a quarter of the total number, were accepted, and Ishitobi (D3), Hoshikawa (M2), Koroku, Nishidate, and Yokota (M1) gave presentations. Ishitobi and Yokota received VC paper award (2nd Read more…