Three talks at VC+VCC 2021

In the four day online program of Visual Computing and Visual Communications (VC+VCC) 2021 (, we had one invited talk and two paper presentations on recent works: 1) Zhenyang Zhu, Masahiro Toyoura, Kentaro Go, Kenji Kashiwagi, Issei Fujishiro, Tien-TsinWong, Xiaoyang Mao: “IEEE Trans. Multimedia: Personalized image recoloring for color vision Read more…

Prof. Fujishiro gave a keynote at Cyberworlds 2021 and also our 3 papers were presented.

The Cyberworlds 2021 was held online for 3 days from September 28th. Prof. Fujishiro gave a keynote, and Ohkawara, Moritake (University of Yamanashi) and Asayama presented 2 full papers and 1 short paper, respectively. Issei Fujishiro: “The cyclopean eye: Pinpointed anamorphosis for personal stereoscopic views,” keynote for the 2021 international Read more…

Mr. Nakayama presented our paper on volumetric apparel CAD at IEVC 2021.

An IIEEJ-sponsored international conference Image Electronics and Visual Computing 2021 was held online. On the first day, Mr. Masanori Nakayama (a researcher fellow) presented the latest result of a volumetric approach to apparel CAD. Masanori Nakayama, Takami Yamamoto, Issei Fujishiro: “3D distance field-based apparel modeling,” in Proceedings of IEVC 2021, Read more…

Ohkawara gave an oral presentation at the educational papers session of Eurographics 2021

Ohkawara gave an oral presentation at the educational paper session of Eurographics 2021. This presentation is based on “Experiencing GPU Path Tracing in Online Courses,” published in Graphics and Visual Computing. Masaru Ohkawara, Hideo Saito, Issei Fujishiro: “Experiencing GPU path tracing in online courses,” Eurographics 2021 Education Papers, Vienna (virtual), May Read more…


第83回情報処理全国大会が3月18日-20日にオンラインで開催され,B4の池田,大字,多田,星川,本田が発表を行いました.池田,本田は学生奨励賞を受賞しました.また,D1の趙と藤代教授が共著者の発表も学生奨励賞を受賞しました. 著者とタイトルは以下の通りです(タイトルをクリックすると業績サイトに移ります): 池田 理和乃 ,藤代 一成:「ろくろ型三次元透明キャンバスを用いたエフェクト描画インタフェース」,学生奨励賞 大字 諒,李 睿哲,中山 雅紀,藤代 一成:「自然に振る舞うNPC群衆シーンの覚醒度–感情価モデルに基づく生成」 多田 一輝,藤代 一成:「画像変換デザインに基づく縦編みレースの三次元モデル生成」 星川 潤,藤代 一成:「指ビューファインダーとその応用可能性」 本田 健悟,斎藤 隆文,藤代 一成:「二色塗り分けスパークラインを用いたCOVID-19感染データの可視化」,学生奨励賞 一瀬 佳祐,趙  希,藤代 一成,豊浦 正広,柏木 賢治,郷 健太郎,茅 暁陽:「Edge Indicatorを用いた半盲患者の視野外情報補償」,学生奨励賞